Humans are absolutely the worst at preparing their children for the complex realities of sex and love…mostly because they have chosen the comfy religion of story, over the blunt science of truth to explain their choices. Dad Hacked the Sex Matrix is a callout on the human race; a scary yet empowering look at how nature shapes our lives for us if we’re not careful. Whether you’re a child with your first crush or an adult stuck in the middle of a nasty divorce, Dad Hacked is the stuff your parents never tell you because they simply never knew.

Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
The first big step into Dad Hacked covers how the self-deception began with the smartest monkey on the planet (us), our insistence on our own significance as a race and how ignoring our membership in the animal kingdom sends us further and further from the truth.
Humans are the only species who have developed complex language and story. And because of this, we're the only living organism on the planet that raises its children with lies. That's quite the talent. The first and greatest trick humanity ever played on itself was to think itself separate from nature and above all other beasts. And from that lie was spawned the second trick in the form of another lie: that our sex and sexuality is actually about us as individuals.
Welcome to Dad Hacked the Sex Matrix
Human beings are animals. You’re animals! Does that basic principle offend you? I can understand why it might. Many people don't appreciate this association, thinking ourselves so much more than our pets for example, or our dinner. Others dismiss it as an obvious biological fact, ‘Yeah, yeah, we all know that we're animals. Yeah, get on with it. What's your point? You think this is a discovery?’ And then give it lip service from a faux-scientific vantage without ever truly understanding the actual depth of it. Because I'm telling you now, you likely have no idea the critical impact that your animal behaviors will have on your life. If you're not careful, they will literally shape your life for you. And our failure to recognize this in ourselves is directly connected to one of our greatest failings as a species and especially as parents preparing children for the world ahead.
We have one crucial difference that sets us apart from every other living creature, and it's our minds. these large brains of ours that have developed the capacity for story. Our lives, our ideas of ourselves and others of events, good and bad are understood within the framework of narratives. Created by us and fed to us by other humans. They get passed down from generation to generation.
To us, the story is everything. We are animals who tell stories, and nothing can mislead you like a story. Story is what stands between us and a full grasp of what this world really is.
So can you imagine what these story-loving monkeys came up with to explain sex? Because we're going to talk about all of them…
Welcome to another episode of Upright Monkeys Breeding on a Murderous Round Planet.
This week: ‘The Significant Mammal’
Humans are mammals gifted the capacity for complex thought. And with that level of brain function came an awareness of self and the ability to ponder something that to our knowledge, no other living thing can: our significance in the universe. What this means is while other animals prioritize and busy themselves with survival and the needs of the day, we humans have developed a compulsion to see ourselves as significant members of a highly significant race, living significant lives filled with significant events on a very significant planet floating in a universe made significant by our presence in it. In fact, a prominent fear among us is that we might not be significant at all. So stories of significance bring us great comfort. For thousands of years, no matter where we were situated, we have believed that everything was put here just for us, and that if there are gods above all other creatures, we were made in their image, or at the very least, were a race of great significance to them. The scope of the human ego is simply astonishing. Many belief systems still hold on to this with characteristic ferocity. Humans shaped stories about our very plain mammalian habits, compulsions and events. As our weapons technologies and farming have placed us at the top of the food chain and freed many of us from worries of day-to-day survival. Humans have chosen to view ourselves apart from the beasts. These stories are how we establish a framework through which to see ourselves and our place in the universe. The more we humans picture ourselves removed from other creatures on this earth, the further we get from understanding ourselves; we picture ourselves moving forward, and thus away from other animals. But the truth lies back from when we came, in our origins. The truth lies back among the animals.
This episode of Upright Monkeys Breeding on a Murderous Round Planet is brought to you by Nature, not giving a damn about you since mmmm forever!
Nature's intentions for you have nothing to do with your hopes or dreams. It does not care about you at all. And this is what we face. This podcast is designed to help you smash through the wall of bullshit constructed by your parent's generation and all the generations before that. A wall that when broken through can no longer keep you from understanding your world.
Dad Hacked the Sex Matrix has been brought to you by Citizen Street Productions.

Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
2- PUBERTY ( Part 1)
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Puberty isn’t fair. What’s worse? Your parents and teachers failing to prepare you for it. Nature has just drafted your body into service… Luckily, in this two-parter, Dad Hacked sheds light on how your mind can protect you from becoming an unwitting drone in the ongoing program to repopulate planet Earth.
If you're a kid right now, what is coming for you isn't fair; it's just not fair. Not just for the magnitude of the events and the tide that you're about to be swept up in (called puberty, adolescence, adulthood and all the things therein), but because of the misinformation about sex and sexuality; and worst of all the omissions, the stuff we don't tell you; the stuff that never gets spoken of. So I hope this podcast gives you a chance at understanding what the world is versus what you will be told.
Welcome to Dad Hacked the Sex Matrix.
Reality versus narrative. Here’s what you're told: This is that wonderful age when your body starts to change and you become a young woman or man. Your body will create new hormones,( chemicals) that will be coursing through your body and you'll start to find boys or girls more interesting than ever. You'll grow hair down there. You'll start to have your period once a month or so; boys, pretty much the same, except for the period part. You'll find girls very interesting like never before. You'll experience erections and your voice will change… Your voice will change. What it actually is? Biological agenda, still going strong after billions of years of evolution. Your body has reached its sexual maturity way before your mind has. You can now make a baby even though you are still in many ways, a child. Hormones going through you will affect the way you look the way you feel, the way you see the world and what you want. It will shift your priorities to reflect your newfound focus on others you find attractive. At this point, nature wants you to have a kid and will try to use you to make more people; and it will trick you into this activity through any and all means necessary. Many people at this age start to devalue the connections in their life with parents, friends, groups, and sports teams and start to wish for someone of the opposite sex (or the same sex) and this manifests very early on in the form of early childhood crushes juvenile longing and romantic connections. And then eventually right into when your body starts to be basically commandeered by Nature, which we call puberty.
If any part of you struggles with this, there is a reason: you are the only mammal on the earth who has developed a big enough brain to question and ponder these things; critical thought. While every other creature goes about their mating rituals without questions, we sit uncomfortably with this idea that we could have so little control over our thoughts and our lives; that we can be reduced to just another animal. But we always were animals. We deny this so we instead require stories. We tell ourselves stories of love, stories of passion and forever after, stories of choices we make when really we are suddenly and constantly finding ways to do nature's bidding.
Do you have the courage for another episode of Upright Monkeys Breeding on a Murderous Round Planet? Let's find out. This week: ‘Children's Tickets, Adult Rides’
Your individuality means nothing to nature. The truth is, thinkers, don't make good soldiers in nature's army of reproducing drones. In a way, there's nothing worse for you to fall into when you're young. It's not that different from drugs. You think the kid who went out and had sex first is ahead of you in some way? Actually, it's the opposite. They fell behind faster and have put their own personal development at great risk; unable to grasp what is really happening to them, they might never recover their true selves. And if you're wondering what I meant earlier by the comparison between starting sex early and choosing drugs, it's simple: As an adult, I have friends who are in recovery programs. I have relatives no longer with us all because of choices made to do drugs when they were young before they really truly understood what was going on. And I also have friends who are living incredibly dramatic realities in terrible marriages and terrible divorces, things that they would never have thought of in the moment way back in the day when suddenly their life was all about who they were spending time with, and somehow always finding a way to be having sex.
The sex you have when you're young paves the way to parenthood in ways no one will ever share with you; you'll think of them as quite different subjects but they are the same. The fear that adults will dangle in front of you as a warning is that you'll end up a teenage parent. A child having a child is certainly an authority on what can go wrong; so is anyone who has had to endure an abortion. But the bigger truth is that the sex you have in your youth programs your mind infiltrates your reasoning and greatly steers your future.
This episode of Upright Monkeys Breeding on a Murderous Round Planet is brought to you by Nature, not giving a damn about you since mmmm… forever.
There's nothing less original than sex. To answer the popular question, yes, it is normal to have sex. Nature doesn't care about you, your feelings, or your future. Nature would love you to start just as soon as you're willing. To be continued in Puberty: Part two.
Dad Hacked the Sex Matrix is a Citizen Street production.

Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
3- PUBERTY (Part 2)
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Puberty isn’t fair. What’s worse? Your parents and teachers failing to prepare you for it. Nature has just drafted your body into service… Luckily, in this two-parter, Dad Hacked sheds light on how your mind can protect you from becoming an unwitting drone in the ongoing program to repopulate planet Earth.
Is your first crush the tiniest of little cute things, or is it a glimpse of the key to the survival of the human species? Bet you never thought of that before. From a very early age, you will be dealing with one of the most powerful and hidden forces in our universe. It is a force that has populated the earth with almost 8 billion people and growing, not to mention every other creature on the planet. So the next time you dismiss something as childish things, think on it a moment
Welcome to Dad Hacked the Sex Matrix.
While assessing the people around us, we look at others we might be involved with romantically and wonder in their absence, what we might be missing out on. And looking back on my life and a lot of lives around me, the answer most often is this: you were missing out on you. So loaded with hormones, emboldened and encouraged by an endless diet of snapshots and stories of love and sex, with no experience or context to balance this out, we stride forward in search of a potential partner, whose very mention makes us all giddy inside and ask them this:’ Be as fascinated with me as I am with you. Tell me that of all the 7.8 billion people on the planet. You choose me.’ This is a story I can get behind. For this, I would neglect my hobbies, my friends, my family, my career… for this, I would take off my clothes.
So when we find ourselves again, dissatisfied, unhappy or heartbroken, betrayed by the stories we were raised on, Remember this: Nature designed us to multiply not to make others happy and not to be happy.
Every time a young person finds themselves in intimate situations, Nature has won a match. When someone has found a way to make sex part of their regular day-to-day, a part of their lifestyle. Nature has won the game. When someone finds themselves pregnant as a result of this, Nature's design is met and your biological agenda fulfilled. Doesn't matter what story you told yourself, you have played your part in the grand design.
And welcome again to another episode of Upright Monkeys Breeding on a Murderous Round planet. Yes, they are.
All right, all right, settle down class, settle down. All right; here's our first question. Tiffany has gotten naked and slept with 28 Men, from her teens to her 20s; each one of them has been inside her. Tony has had girlfriends yes, and he's also (in between those) been inside of 38 women and plunged his penis willingly into each of them. Which of them was experiencing love or highly significant, ‘special’ if you will, emotional experiences? Is it Tiffany or Tony? Anyone? Anyone want to try an answer? No? no? Neither! Both of these fools will spend years creating scenarios that have them perpetually rubbing up against other fools up until the point that their biological destiny has been fulfilled. Leave your papers on the desk. Thank you; have a good day.
This episode of Upright Monkeys Breeding on a Murderous Round Planet is brought to you by Nature; not giving a damn about you since mmm forever.
People of all ages might find you attractive, some of them inappropriate in age or even in position in your world. And you might find yourself telling yourself it would be quite an achievement or a measure of your worth landing someone like that. It is not. There is no conquest in sex because it is the players themselves who've been bested and tricked into mistaking a biological function for a significant moment. Yet another pairing of two people's bodies who were tricked into thinking it was their idea to rub up against one another. And that is fact stripped of story.
Your ability to attract someone who will have sex with you is an ability shared with virtually every other of the billions of other beasts on this bustling planet, past, present, and future. Don't think that there weren't any sexy Tyrannosaurs Rex’s out there because there were. Triceratops? Ah, the options. So try not to take too much pride in that accomplishment you share with a pig, a housefly or a dung beetle; you know, those little beetles that roll around other animals' poop, and somehow make a living out of it. I don't know. They're all just as sexy as you apparently and just as caught up in their own shit. Pun intended. ‘Dung beetle.’
So at this very young and formative age when you’re seeking a life or an existence of significance as we do, just be reminded that you're going to have to do a lot better than having sex. And you're going to be maybe one of the first generations (thanks to this podcast) that actually sees how sex works against you being anything original; I don't recommend falling into that trap.
Dad Hacked the Sex Matrix has been brought to you by Citizen Street Productions.

Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Gambling ensures the future of the casino; breeding ensures the future of the species. Dad Hacked explains the eerie similarities between Nature’s manipulation of people via and love and the euphoria that keeps people coming back to casinos over and over again.
In our reality, Nature is the house; the big casino itself. And over a long enough timeline with enough people engaged in the game, caught up in their special little stories about how the game and all the rushes it provides exists to amuse them, the house always wins; because that's how new people get made. Call it love, call it sex; willingly or not people fumble their way into reproduction. And just like at the casino, it was never about your happiness, or about you winning; it's about the profit of the true institution in charge. Gambling is about ensuring the future of the casino; love and sex is about ensuring the future of the species.
Welcome to Dad Hacked the Sex Matrix.
During the 20th century, the global population saw its greatest increase in known history rising from about 1.6 billion in the year 1900 to over 6 billion in the year 2000. The fastest doubling of the world population happened between 1950 and 1987. A doubling from 2.5 to 5 billion people in just 37 years. The population doubled in a little more than one generation. Now let me ask you: Does that not sound like the result of a successful business model? You think love did that?
Why are countless millions spent on the building of casinos? Simple; the statistical truth of gambling and games of chance is that over a long enough timeline, the house (meaning the casino) always wins. It is designed to beat you. It is designed to profit from you and those like you. And even if a small percentage of people were able to indulge in gambling and walk away with more money than they came in with, it's like stealing a pail of water from the ocean. Through their inevitable losses. People keep casinos alive and thriving. People who own casinos of course know this; the odds are against anyone coming out ahead or getting rich. So why would anyone go there and spend their hard-earned money (in some cases even their savings or money they don't have)? It's the story and the promise of luck and fortune; the happily ever after, and the belief that the rush of the whole thing, all the endorphins and the emotions, all of it, are all for them.
If you enter into intimate relations with another individual, you've basically just walked into the casino.
Welcome to another episode of Upright Monkeys Gambling in a Metaphorical Casino, where sex is gambling and love is gambling and gambling is love and love is gambling.
Imagine Las Vegas: the lights, the excitement, the novelty, the fanfare, the promise, the dream. It draws people by the millions every year. The smart gamblers bring what they can afford to spend and lose, the others well, they bet it all; and when they lose it all, they might wonder what ever made them think it was a good idea. Isolation, away from friends and family; you found something so much more urgent. While you're all wrapped up in this very special experience that is all seemingly designed for your pleasure and happiness, you are cut off from the world around you. Endorphins, fascination fixation, obsession, story. You know there's a whole world out there outside this bubble; you lived in it for years. But right now this bubble contains everything that matters. This place is a discovery. This place must be heaven. What was so good about life before this anyway? This is purpose. This is beauty. This must be love.
“yes… yessss”….Things are going so well. You can't lose! Your brain is firing in a way it doesn't for anything else. The rush you get is fantastic; you glimpse happily ever after in the distance which makes sense because right now it's right in the palm of your hand. You throw caution to the wind.
‘Come on baby, Mama needs a new… shit.’ Oh, Wait. Something's wrong. ‘Oh, come on.’ You lose a hand, then another. It hurts, but you know what you'll do this time. Things happen no big deal. The dream is alive and well; you just have to tweak a little detail. ‘Hey, hey, next one. Shit,’ Trouble again. You double down because this is important, and you were doing so well, feeling so good. ‘We'll get it back. We'll get it back.’ But something else happens. Over time it always does, but nobody told you that. ‘I'm tired.’ You’re no’ quitter. ‘What time is it?’ It's getting late. ‘How long have I been here.’ You should call your family but you don't. You see someone at the table next to you and it's going well for them. You're turn to be lucky is just around the corner, right? Be patient. Look how happy they are. It's just the reminder you needed you can do this. ‘Why do I feel so terrible? I was doing so well… I have nothing.’
They tell themselves that next time will be different. ‘Okay, okay. I'm just gonna find some more money. Save up a while come back and do this right.’ I know what I'm doing?’ The casino wants you to think that too.
This episode of Upright Monkeys Breeding on a Murderous Round Planet is brought to you by Nature; not giving a damn about you since mmm forever.
It was never designed to have you win for long. That's a story. This whole town, if you will, was built on that story. The story of the person who bets big and wins it all. We ignore the story of those who lost it all. Because if we heeded that story, we'd have to stop. And a bunch of other gamblers agree that your luck will change eventually. Just stick with it. Go chill out at the pool for a while. Get some rest; clear your head. Change it up with a fresh new table.
So if you're a fan of metaphors, you get the point; was I just describing love or gambling? In Nature, the things we call love and sex between two individuals are the game we play. It's humans at the casino tables. Because at any given time, Nature needs enough individuals of an existing species to be engaged in sex or intimacy to ensure the continuation indeed the very survival of the species. You can bet it all and lose it all broken or heartbroken and you'll come back and do it again. Because sometime long ago when you felt truly special and new, you played your first card without knowing the game you were truly playing. And because you're a human, you come from the longest line of gamblers indeed and have inherited their narrative.
Dad Hacked the Sex Matrix has been brought to you by Citizen Street Productions.

Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
and sexuality predate us by billions of years, yet the truth on the subject has been under siege since humans learned to speak. Dad Hacked explains how the truth about and sexuality is hidden by our feeble attempts at rebranding a program that seriously calls into question which choices are truly our own.
‘Sex drive’ is a term used to gauge someone's desire to have sex. The spectrum ranges from not at all to all the time. People who are assessed by doctors for various reasons we'll be asked about their sex drive. It's like a customary question. Someone who expresses a desire to have sex or engage in masturbation at a certain level or frequency is called ‘healthy’ or ‘norma’l or ‘natural.’ And those who go too far to either end of that spectrum and not want to have it at all or want it too much, can be called ‘unhealthy’ or ‘addict.’ Did you get all that? Okay, good.
So, as monkeys who love stories, here's where a shift in language reminds you what sex drive actually is: the ‘drive’ to have sex is actually your ‘drive’ to procreate; your ‘drive’ to make other humans your ‘drive’ to have children.
Imagine if you will, a world that before humans and our opinions on things consisted of only facts, just truth…a world from top to bottom…wherever you looked, there was just truth. Not a lot of it debatable and no one is around to debate it. Then somewhere between 2 million and 50 thousand years ago, humans developed speech and truth has been under siege ever since.
Welcome to Dad Hacked the Sex Matrix.
The Deceptive Language of Sex.
Now, faced with these revisions, people might reactively say ‘Well, of course, it's natural; everyone knows that.’ But they don't know that. They don't know that they've been deceived by language; a language that feeds you one truth while concealing another; a version that suggests that sex is for you; I'm here to tell you it's not. It is for something so much bigger than you or me. And it's not love. It's not for fun. You can't own it, and no one ever has. Children of every generation often have no idea how many adults have followed the wrong stories down paths to living unhappy, even disastrous lives that they have been lost in for years, decades, and sometimes their whole lives.
When it comes to sex parents and educators will use terms that feel like they're truly revealing something to you, but it's only the surface of it. When you're a kid, parents will usually avoid discussing with you the subject of sex as long as possible. They are happy that at this point, you still believe in Santa and maybe God too. So a stork delivering babies to waiting parents fits just fine. As you approach and then fumble into your teens, as we all do, many parents will hope that the school system will cover the uncomfortable topic of sex with you so that they don't have to. The story at home has often at this point graduated to ‘Oh, Mom and Dad made you,’ but no real details as to how; they might say with ‘love.’ Aww.
And welcome again to another episode of Upright Monkeys Breeding on a Murderous Round Planet. Yes, they are. This week: The Repackaging of Sex.
I mentioned earlier about trying to own something that owns you and that is, and that is sex in a nutshell. Some of the stories you'll be fed are ‘sex is you expressing yourself.’ ‘Sex is a good part of a healthy relationship.’ ‘ Sex is sexy.’ ‘Sex is naughty.’ ‘I'm an independent woman using my body how and when I will with whom I want.’ ‘I'm a young guy just having my kicks before I settle down.’ All of this is people trying to own and take control of something that almost nobody actually owns; there is one exception…we'll get to that later. It's something that controls you and leads you around sometimes your whole life while you think you are the one in control. We listen to the stories of others. The ones they tell themselves. Some of these stories we adopt and we shape others on our own, tweaking them to suit us and our little egos all in an effort to blind ourselves to what is really going on. And by the way, the only time that narrative is actually in unison working together and honestly with fact is when two people come together and say ‘I want to make a baby’ and the other one says ‘I want to make a baby as well. Let's make a baby.’ That is literally the only time that the story reflects the truth. And they might still end up divorced by the way…and in a terrible court battle with their children. True story.
This episode of Upright Monkeys Breeding on a Murderous Round Planet is brought to you by Nature: not giving a damn about you since mmm forever.
Meanwhile, at school, since none of the adults in your world have braved the subject, you've been able to fill in the blanks with the help of giggling older peers or maybe some pornographic material, some older brother or a friend sent down the chain. Teachers chime in and tell you about puberty. Then it's those lovely diagrams of her privates and his privates and your ability to name all of these parts. They'll tell you how these two things go together to make a baby. But no one's really going to tell you the truth about what is happening and how significant it is to your life now and later. Because it's uncomfortable, no one is going to tell you that your life is basically about to be commandeered in the service of the great project of human repopulation on planet earth. No one will tell you the truth about how this thing is way bigger than all of us. Parents will flat-out lie to you. They will tell you that sex is beautiful. That sex happens between two people who love each other! because that is your new Santa Claus. This is the new fiction they sell you because they still want to preserve what they can of your ignorance, your innocence. They don't tell you about rape. They don't tell you about child trafficking, prostitution, lying partners who will do anything to have sex with anyone willing, even say that they love you while doing it. They won't tell you about the mess their lives have become since this Nature derailed them decades ago. Nearly all of these teachers and parents wouldn't have a clue just how influenced their life choices were, or how shaped their lives were by their need to be breeding. Words matter more than most of us can possibly imagine. And when humans aim to dignify and justify our animal tendencies, the truth is always under siege.
Dad Hacked the Sex Matrix has been brought to you by Citizen Street Productions

Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
In the always heated debate on abortion, Dad Hacked dares to offer a third perspective.
Okay, so this is the subject so many have been waiting for: a male with an opinion on abortion?! Holy shit! That's… that's archaic. Is that really still happening? Yes, yes it is happening because we're all human beings and I'm not out here to take sides on the issue actually. What I am here to do is say that I believe that there's a third perspective that I never hear about. So and this is… if nothing else this is about stuff that never gets spoken of. This podcast is supposed to be about tearing things down and looking at the things that we never noticed that were right in front of us the whole time.
So ‘abortion;’ you believe in it, you don't believe in it, you believe in it sometimes, depending on the circumstances you believe in it, but before a certain amount of time, but not after a certain amount of time… I have a different perspective; and my perspective on abortion is this: How many lives have been aborted because our society teaches our children that sex is for their enjoyment?
Welcome to Dad Hacked the Sex Matrix: The Abortion Episode.
Winston Churchill was quoted as saying History is written by the victors. And he's referring to the history of humanity being written from the perspective of the conquerors, the winners of war and conflict, certainly not the losers. Maybe that's what happened when humans rose to the top of the food chain and became not just the dominant species on the planet, but the only one who could actually write. Maybe that's why we were able to take the history of ‘breeding,’ an act shared by nearly every other species on the planet since life appeared on Earth, and instead come to the conclusion that ‘sex’ as we would rename it, was actually for our enjoyment. But what does this have to do with abortion, you may ask? How many lives have been snuffed out because we raise our children to think that sex is about their enjoyment. How many people could have been saved or at least not destroyed by changing the way that we teach children about sex and sexuality from like, you know, ‘a thing that you do when you're in love with someone’, ‘A thing you do when you're interested in someone,’ ‘A thing you do in affection’, ‘Athing that you do in passion,’ blah, blah, blah… all the millions of narratives that we have developed as a society, and how many times it leaves out ‘Whoa, wait, what? No. This thing gets done by species all over the planet. And almost all of them do it in much the same way and you are no different and this is how babies get made.’ When you do this. you're going to tell yourself that ‘it's about this, it's about that, it's about the feelings…; The euphoria is the bait. The deed remains what it always is, what it always was, what it always will be; no matter why you do it, that act has to do with reproduction. And it is ruthless in it's ingenious design. And it cares not at all about any lives lost along the way. It is a numbers game and I referenced the casino metaphor of course again, because you know nature can afford to have lives lost. Nature can afford to have as many abortions as it takes because there are billions of us on this planet. Yeah, I just… to me, could abortion be avoided? Teach kids about sex? Well, we've been doing that for a long time and I see this hard push towards making sure like… I understand and don't necessarily want to fall into the fighting for the rights to have abortion. That's 50% of the old tired debate. So what about opening up this third door and people might be like, ‘Well, you're just talking about abstinence?’ It's like no, I'm talking about information. Abstinence is and should always be a choice of people. Because I'm going to tell you something. It never occurred to me that I would just not fuck; that didn't seem like an option. The world was doing it, everyone was fascinated by it; that hasn't changed. Porn is bigger and more booming than ever; it is vast, it is recruiting all of our ignorant youth into it. And we're all acting like it's our idea. Abstinence might be the result of being an informed individual. What if I knew that everything I was doing wasn't really my idea. You know, it's like it's the matrix again, folks. It's ‘which pill do you take?’ What if you knew things that would change your perspective on your world forever? What if children, instead of us brainwashing them into someone, thinking this is all about love? I mean, is it about love when you've lost count of how many partners you've had? Because for a lot of people, that's probably what's going on and, and is it about love when love has come and gone and imploded several times, but you still stick to this narrative. Like, it just , it just covers up how robotic we really are, and how programmed we really are. And I have to tell you, there's a lot of things that can be done with the time you waste trying to pair up and make a life like that. All you're doing is just increasing the odds of reproduction and maybe getting some laughs along the way. Certainly a lot of damage for a lot of people along the way. So yeah, when it comes to abortion, let's talk about the fact that we teach our children everything but the truth about what sex is; we teach them how to do it, we tell them stories about why they do it, we tell them how to be safe doing it from disease. We leave out the part where… because it's not sexy, and it's not even complimentary to the human race. We are far simpler than we like and we are far closer to these animals that we keep as pets or we eat or we see ou nature shows. Yeah, and if you don't know that, then you don't know shit. And maybe that'll save some lives along the way. Because I was faced with a moment where you know, I was going to be a parent suddenly, and I had the choice not to. And the choice was on the table and it was of course discussed as an option. And it was… it was in that moment that (and this doesn't put me on a definitive side of the abortion debate) it just meant for me personally, I couldn't imagine carrying that with me and I think a lot of people to some degree, carry that with them…that decision with them; and maybe they shouldn't have to because maybe somewhere along the line, they could have been taught what sex actually is. Instead of what we wish it was. And I can tell you that my child's existence is one of the best parts of my life bar none. So the idea that little potential you’s and me’s might get snuffed out because of just general ignorance? That troubles me. That troubles me. So that's as close as I get to having a definitive opinion on abortion. You want to stop abortion or wish you know, you see even if I say ‘stop abortion’ a whole bunch of people go ‘Whoa, we want the right to have an abortion!’ Well, what about the right to know fucking better?
Dad Hacked the Sex Matrix has been brought to you by Citizen Street Productions.

TIME is the thing we spend like fools. It is the thing we take for granted in our youth but place great value on as we grow older. The time we have here on this planet is all the time we get and DAD HACKED THE SEX MATRIX can save children, adolescents and adults years of their lives by stripping away false stories of love and sex to reveal human behavior and its core programming. It can explain what your first crush is, why you’re in divorce court, family court, or couples counselling and maybe why you’re actually okay; it can save your life or the life of a loved one. It can change the way you see yourself, your world and your role in it.
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